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The Treatment of PTSD in Older Adults

2 NBCC CE hours are available for licensed mental health providers.

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About This Course

PTSD in late life can stem from trauma experienced earlier in life or result from new traumatic events occurring in old age. This course takes a trauma-informed approach to PTSD treatment in older adults, providing insights into working with trauma and offering practical tools and interventions. Through case studies and discussions, participants will deepen their understanding of PTSD treatment principles and assess their own professional quality of life in the context of trauma stewardship.

Key Learning Objectives:

  1. Trauma-Informed Care Principles: Define trauma-informed care principles and explore their application to PTSD treatment in older adults. Learn how to create a safe and supportive environment that promotes healing and resilience.

  2. Considerations in Working with Trauma in Older Adults: Identify unique considerations and challenges in working with trauma in older adults, including age-related factors, comorbidities, and cultural considerations.

  3. Psychoeducation and Treatment Orientation: Explore methods of providing psychoeducation to older adults with PTSD and orienting them to the treatment process. Learn effective communication strategies and therapeutic techniques to support clients in their recovery journey.

  4. Treatment Tools: Discover evidence-based treatment tools, including Written Exposure Therapy (WOT), Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET), and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and learn how to integrate them into your practice to effectively address PTSD symptoms in older adults.

  5. Assessing Trauma Stewardship and Professional Quality of Life: Assess your own trauma stewardship and professional quality of life, and develop strategies for self-care and resilience to prevent burnout and compassion fatigue.

Course Materials

  • Prerecorded Video 
  • Presentation 
  • 11 worksheets + Exercises to enhance your work with clients 
  • Quiz 
  • Feedback Survey
  • Certificate of Completion*
*A passed quiz of at least 80% and a completed feedback survey required for certificate.